Oh, look at you checking out the merch already. We must have impressed you then? Hope so. If we are impressive to the extent that you are happy to wear our brand proudly to show how cool and in-the-loop you are as a person and as Wolfer, then yes please do click this link to be taken to the third party site that handles our merch stuff.

I mean, yeah we know about the horrors of fast fashion, we agree that this isn’t really who we ever thought we would become… all of that. We’re ashamed of ourselves, truly. But as you know, most of the products we sell are books and as such we need to get the word out. There are literally a lot of other books and publishers out there. We appreciate you coming to ours and listening to our howls! But, don’t get us wrong. We don’t like this any more than you do, ok? If Hungry Wolf Press ever gets big enough to hire some staff we can actually pay, rather than roping our mates in to help us out, yeah sure we will definitely move to a more ethical merch provider. One based in Yorkshire probably. If you really don’t like it don’t buy it, or let us know through the contact form what your concerns and suggestions are.

That long disclaimer over, who wants some cool new Ts and hoodies? We also have mugs! Of course we have mugs!