Away with Words

The Hungry Wolf Pack

We launched our newsletter on 24th December 2024.

Away with Words #001: Inaugural

Thank you for signing up to Hungry Wolf Press. Despite being founded in 2018, this is our first ever Newsletter. We hope it was worth the wait. We also hope you remember signing up. We are writing this on the eve of the birthday of a very special person… that’s right, Sir Isaac Newton!

We are not just a micropublisher, we are a fictional micropublisher, which makes us automatically legendary. We checked, it’s a legitimate speed running glitch for publishers, but hardly anyone knows about it.

Hungry Wolf was established in order to publish crazy weird experimental works, and that means we gathered some mad ones who “burn, burn, burn” (to use Jack Kerouac’s words). However, today anyone who is not crazy has been driven insane by society. We live in a society, we know. All our authors have issues; anxiety, more anxiety, imposter syndrome, The Fear. So, to protect us all, we created pen names and characters for the central group of writers that make up the core of the Hungry Wolf Pack.

So that’s Go Mi on the left, looking deranged even in this crowd. Kerouac is on the screen. I’m the guy under the TV, my friends call me Rich. Next to me is Ellie, second from the right. Nobody knows who the guy on the far right is… Midjourney just added him in. The blurry dude in the front, not sure if he’s photo bombing or walking off in a huff… That’s Stephen. Yeah, we all wore wolf masks for the shoot. He showed up in an ape mask. We’re all lupine, he’s pure primate. 

Onwards, NEWS! We just quietly published a very spooky story, The Bad Boys in the Attic on November 29th. Just on schedule, we really wanted a book out in November. The paperback version is available now and the digital version is doing well. Read more about the book here.

In December, we launched not one, not two, yes THREE books by Ellie Gaunt; Swummy, Where the Dank Memes Are, and The Very Hungry Content Creator. Ellie is the newest member of the Pack and already putting the rest of us to shame. Ellie has created three short books that are NOT for children. They are based on classics of children’s literature, but unfortunately the Big Bad AI Wolf got them and messed them all up. Read more about the series Not For Children’s Books here.

Also, in December (though don’t hold your breath) Stephen has promised to finish his book, Ratio: An eX Twitter Eulogy. It’s taken him 15 awful years to write, but he wants rid of it. We will believe it when we see it, though you can download a free sample already. Stephen has taken to walking the streets at night with our dog, Pippin. He’s convinced he’s being followed and so he now wears dayglo stripes in order to blind cars and render surveillance useless. 

That’s it for now. Short and bittersweet. We do have more news and more information on the site, but if you want more you know where to find it. Follow the trail to Hungry Wolf Press and be sure to buy our books, copy them and share them online for free. Seriously, we need to publicity!

We may not all be real people, but our feelings for you, our dear readers, are truly tangible. Peace and paw prints, and much much love and loyalty from all of us here at Hungry Wolf Press.

Wolf out.

The Hungry Wolf Pack