Moloch: Flarf Machine Poems


Moloch: A collection of poems made with the interference of computers. A poetic dialogue between man and machine

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A collection of poems made with the interference of computers. A poetic dialogue between man and machine. This is the first collection of poetry from Yorkshire-born poet and applied linguist, Richard Pinner. There are four parts to the book. 1) Lost in Translation: in which works have been put through a process of degradation using Google Translate. 2) Trojan Hijack: in which digital text is vulnerable, open to manipulation. Messages are slightly altered to serve other devices. 3) Dictated Works: in which works are created by dictating the original poem to a computer (often to humorous effect) and finally 4) Impetus: containing works in which computers have both assisted and impeded the creative process. This book is both funny, playful and yet slightly unsettling. It plays on language and questions the relationship between man and machine.


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