Ratio: An eX/Twitter Eulogy (Kindle)

Twitter’s dead. X is embarrassing. I turned 15 years of oversharing and underachieving into a book. Misinformation. Political upheaval. Vague brushes with celebrity. (Bad?) Poetry. 556 tweets, 73 followers. Zero fucks.


15 years, 556 tweets, 124 likes and 0 fucks

The passing of a shitposting god that nobody believed in. Except Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie believed.

Twitter was a place for chaos, comedy, and connection, where brilliant tweets and terrible ideas fought for the same scraps of attention. For 15 years, Stephen Prime shared sharp observations, self-deprecating humour, and a fair dose of nonsense, only to watch the likes flatline and the platform collapse into X.

Ratio: An eX/Twitter Eulogy is a collection of the best tweets you never saw, the stories behind them, and reflections on a life lived both online and off. From quantum mechanics jokes and Arnie anecdotes to gin-soaked slippers and heartfelt chaos, this book is equal parts memoir, comedy, and a farewell to the internet’s wildest party. 15 years of shitposting void chirps—this is what stuck.